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Friday, June 30, 2017

Newfound Alien Planet Is Best Place Yet to Search for Life

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A newly discovered planet around a distant star may jump to the top of the list of places where scientists should go looking for alien life.
The alien world known as LHS 1140b is rocky, like Earth. It is only 40 light-years away from our solar system (essentially, down-the-street in cosmic terms), and sits in the so-called habitable zone of its parent star, which means liquid water could potentially exist on the planet's surface. Several other planets also meet those criteria, but few of them are as prime for study as LHC 1140b according to the scientists who discovered it, because the type of star the planet orbits and the planet's orientation to Earth make it ripe for investigations into whether it’s the kind of place where life could thrive.
"This is the most exciting exoplanet I've seen in the past decade," Jason Dittmann, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and lead author on the paper describing the discovery, said in a statement from CfA. "We could hardly hope for a better target to perform one of the biggest quests in science — searching for evidence of life beyond Earth." [10 Exoplanets That Might Be Perfect to Support Life 
Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered orbiting stars other than the sun in the last 20 years. Many of those planets meet some of the basic requirements for hosting life as we know it — they're rocky like Earth (rather than gaseous, like Saturn or Jupiter) and they sit in the habitable zone of their parent star.

LHS 1140b meets those initial requirements. Through multiple observations, Dittmann and colleagues determined that the planet receives about 0.46 times as much light from its parent star as Earth receives from the sun. The planet is about 1.4 times the diameter of Earth and 6.6 times its mass, which makes it a so-called super-Earth and suggests it is also rocky. [How Habitable Zones for Alien Planets and Stars Work (Infographic)]

The next step scientists are taking to find out if exoplanets like LHS 1140b are habitable (or even inhabited) is to examine their atmospheres. An atmosphere could provide life-forms with a necessary ingredient for life (such as oxygen or carbon dioxide on Earth), and could also bear signs that life exists there (most of the methane on Earth, for example, is produced by biological organisms). Scientists are working on understanding what the atmosphere of an exoplanet can reveal about the likelihood that it hosts life, or could.
Dittmann said he and his colleagues think LHS 1140b is a great candidate for follow-up atmospheric studies for multiple reasons.

This alien world was initially discovered using the transit method, in which scientists look at the light from a star and try to measure subtle dips in its brightness that could be caused by a planet passing in front of (transiting) the star. In some cases, telescopes can capture the sliver of sunlight that passes through the planet's atmosphere, and that sunlight reveals information about the chemical composition of the planet's atmosphere. Many other potentially habitable Earth-like planets ― such as Proxima b, the closest exoplanet to our solar system that lies only 4.2 light-years away ― do not transit their parent star as seen from Earth and therefore their atmospheres can't be studied in this way.

The team's precise measurement of LHS 1140b's density will also be important to understanding its atmosphere, Dittmann told

"What's great about having a density ahead of an atmospheric study is that this density tells you how tightly the planet holds on to its atmosphere (the atmospheric scale height)," Dittmann told in an email. Using the transit method, scientists are trying to collect starlight shining through a planet's atmosphere; a thicker atmosphere means more light passes through it, making it easier for scientists to detect the signals from various chemical elements present in that atmosphere. A planet with higher density also has stronger gravity, which further compresses the atmosphere and reduces the size of the signals scientists can detect.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Amazing Discoveries that Changed the World Forever

There have been many momentous occasions when an individual, group or generations ended up discovering some hidden nuggets of wisdom floating in the lap of nature. Many such discoveries changed the world forever. While some of these discoveries are well-known to most people, several others are quite subtle that get easily overlooked usually because their applications or outcomes appear obvious to the modern world. Here is the list of top amazing discoveries that changed the world forever.


In the recorded history, there is no clear mention of the people who discovered gunpowder. It is believed that Chinese alchemists, during a series of experiments ended up discovering a powder that that could change the nature of warfare and hunting forever. While the discovery of gunpowder almost certainly resulted in the death of millions over the past few decades, it has also helped the mankind to enter Space. 


It is the field of anatomy that today helps medical professionals all over the world to understand and treat the human body. Diagnosis or treatment of various conditions would have been nearly impossible if the mankind had no knowledge of the anatomy. Although ancient texts on some anatomy topics date back to 1600 BC in Egyptian history and 5000 BC in Vedic history, it was only in the year 1543 that Andreas Vesalius started discovering the human body in fresh light. He created the modern text that laid the foundation of thousands of treatment methods, accessible to billions of people on the planet today. 

Electricity generation:

It is impossible to imagine a life without electricity today. Everything – yes, everything in our day to day lives is depended on fundamental principles of ‘flow of electricity’ and ‘electricity generation.’ It was Michael Faraday who discovered the profound scientific relation in magnetism and electricity. The first electric generator could be created after the discovery that electricity could be generated by moving a metallic wire around a magnet. Rest, as we know, is history! 

Oxygen – the fine air:

Even an 8 year old knows about oxygen today. When it was first discovered in the year 1772, it was known by the name ‘fine air.’ It was known to be a gas that accelerates combustion. The discovery laid the foundation of high-end combustion engines that now power vehicles, motors and other devices. When the discoverer of Oxygen, Carl Wilhelm demonstrated the action of oxygen to a French scientist, he successfully went on to discover that oxygen was also responsible for supporting the respiration in all animals! 


It was Joseph Priestley who first established ‘indirectly’ through a series of experiments that animals consumed the gas which is produced by plants. It was Jan I., an Austrian scientist, who later defined the process of photosynthesis. It was a discovery that made people all over the world aware of how plants were restoring the balance by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. We could have, otherwise, wiped out all forests by now!


Penicillin was discovered accidently by a famous biologist Sir Alexander Fleming. The biologist was particularly famous for being absent-minded on most occasions as he paid great attention to small ‘changes’ taking place around him. It was the habit of close observation that helped this absent minded biologist to discover the principle that one set of micro-organisms could kill or restrict the growth of other microorganisms. Over the next several decades, the newly discovered drug, known as penicillin, saved millions of lives. 


Vaccination is perhaps one of the greatest and most amazing discoveries that changed the world forever largely because it has helped saving the lives of millions ever since it was tried as an experiment in 1796. Had it not been for the sustained efforts of Edward Jenner, many would have lost their lives even in their infancy to diseases like small pox. Jenner inoculated a young boy using matter from the cowpox lesions of a dairymaid and then introduced the smallpox virus to the boy but he was not infected. The word vaccination traces its origin to the Latin word ‘vacca’ meaning cow.

Earth is not flat; its round:

While you know it to be so obvious today, you couldn’t have guessed it so easily few hundred years ago! There was a time (not a thousand years ago, really), when people believed their boats in the ocean would fall off the edge if they went too far! Many scientists had to lose their lives only because they said ‘earth was round,’ and some guys at authoritarian churches thought it was ‘outrageous and blasphemous’ to say so!


There is no record of how discovered the wheel. It was one of those discoveries that probably laid the foundation of human civilization! Without wheels, we could not have moved beyond few hundred kilometers. There would have been no exchange of knowledge, language, commodities etc. The discovery of the round object, which experienced the least amount of friction, was nothing short of a miracle or a boon for the mankind. 


Nothing could have been possible if some unknown caveman hadn’t literally ‘played with fire’. The discovery of fire is one of the greatest ones done in the history of mankind. We have come a long way indeed from producing fire by rubbing two stones. The way fire is produced and the carriers of it have extended over thousands of years but fire, being an element of Earth, remains what it was since time immemorial. Of all things it has helped us in accomplishing, fire is the reason we love our food. We owe a lot to that caveman. Fire indeed deserves to top the list of most amazing discoveries.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The cloning of a man

Scientists in the West have been stunned by the claim two weeks ago that a human being had been duplicated by a process known as cloning. Although frogs have been cloned, babies made to order was a prospect thought to be a 1984 Orwellian dream.
Suresh Jain
May 15, 1978 | 

Scientists in the West have been stunned by the claim two weeks ago that a human being had been duplicated by a process known as cloning. Although frogs have been cloned, babies made to order was a prospect thought to be a 1984 Orwellian dream.

The great debate follows publicity over the forthcoming book In His Image: The Cloning Of A Man by science writer David Rorvik, who claims that a childless 68-year-old multimillionaire financed the cloning project because he wanted an heir and felt no woman was worthy enough. According to the author the baby is now 14-month-old and an exact duplicate of the millionaire, right down to brains, fingerprints and habits.
Volunteers: Two New York women have volunteered to carry and give birth to human clones, after Vermont obstetrician Dr Landrum B. Shettles announced that he was "ready to go" with the first official cloning of a man.

He, however, warned that there were still many unknowns about what the future held for children born by the revolutionary genetic engineering process. "When you consider that the health of a normal baby can be affected by what its mother eats during pregnancy, there must be many unknowns in the case of cloning," he said.

Nightmare: Whether Rorvik's claim to be an eye-witness of how unidentified scientists succeeded in cloning is a hoax or reality, to most scientists and laymen the prospects are too frightening to contemplate.

An alarmed medical world has called for an immediate investigation by the United States Government and the United Nations into cloning. "Cloning is a nightmare," declared Dr George Wald, a Harvard University biologist and winner of the 1967 Nobel Prize for physiology.

"What we call reproduction is an exciting process, because we are always creating a new individual and separate personality. Cloning is making copies of people just as we would manufacture record albums. We need a principle in law right away to protect human life," Dr Wald added.

Gene Pool: The first step has been taken when three scientists filed a suit to force the US Government to disclose details of studies it has funded on cloning and genetic engineering.

"These technological developments have come about without the consent or participation of the public, which is to suffer the consequences," says one of the three scientists, Dr Jonathan Beckwith, professor of genetics at Harvard. "It is time that scientific and medical advances which allow meddling in the human gene pool be explained to the US population."

Moral and Ethics: Another of the scientists, Dr Ethan Signer, professor of genetics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says: "The cloning of humans has profound and extensive implications for society as a whole because of the questions it raises." He seeks answers to such questions as to "What are the rights of cloned individuals? What are the moral and ethical aspects of cloning humans? Who has the right to clone?"

The third scientist, Dr Liebe Cavalieri, a molecular biologist at a Cancer Research Institute, decries cloning as "the most appalling, dangerous medical experiment in history". He shudders at the prospects and exclaims: "It's worse than Hitler a million times over. It's horrible. It's something that should be prevented violently, if necessary."

Noted anthropologist, Dr Ashley Montague says: "The ethical and moral implications of human cloning would be debasing for society. Many people see cloning as a positive point because a genius like Einstein could be recreated. But by the ordinary process of random genetic selection we have a far better way in which to create a genius."

Biologists: But pitched against the opponents of cloning are many other eminent personalities from the world of science. For instance, Dr Robert Sinsheimer, chairman of the biology department of California Institute of Technology believes that "cloning would permit the perpetuation and preservation of the finest types of human species".

Some others see cloning not just as an experimental technology but as the future means of reproduction. Dr Joshua Lederberg, Nobel Laureate, says: "Leave sexual reproduction for experimental purposes. If a superior individual is identified, why not copy it directly rather than suffer all the risks, including those of sex determination?"

Other scientists have come up with a number of suggestions ranging from making a clone of a young person and keeping it, to supply the original with spare parts when needed; duplicating someone, maybe a child dying of a non-hereditary disease, so that the person can be replaced at death; bringing back well embalmed historical figures from the dead and try to clone cells scrapped from the mummy.

There are, however, a large number of people who believe that cloning may be a good idea, the misuse of the technique could raise frightening possibilities. They contend that military leaders would create an army of strong, fearless and ruthless monsters. Dictators would try to create legions of docile, obedient and subservient workers.

Blending: According to a professor at the New York University, in theory cloning can also combine the characteristics of two people to create a person with the qualities of both. Thus a beautiful woman, like Hema Malini, could arrange to have a daughter with her looks and the brains of Henry Kissinger.

This could be done by blending the cells of both "parent-donors" in a laboratory and then implanting it in a womb. The problem, however, seems to be that the clone might have the looks of the father and talents of the mother. "Already the existing sperm banks - used for artificial insemination - are a step in that direction," he said.

Patent: Cloning is only one of the many fields in which geneticists are trying to improve on nature's method of procreation. They are even trying to create life itself and in the United States the doctors have reached advanced stages in programming human embryos.

The artificial creation of life is being taken so seriously that one corporation has already secured legal ruling on patenting such life. The new ruling, by the court of customs and patent appeals, has been proclaimed as a victory for the genetic engineers.

While no-one undermines the fact that more complex moral, legal and philosophical questions lie ahead for the genetic engineers, Dr Kimball Atwood, chairman of the Microbiology Department of Illinois University, views the production of an organism "that will combine the happy qualities of animals and plants, such as one with a large brain so that it can indulge in philosophy and also have a photosynthetic area on its back so that it would not have to eat".

UFOs: Mirage or Martians?

The recent sightings of a 'flying saucer' in parts of Western India has revived the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) debate. Hard-headed scientists who used to regard ufology - and ufologists - with undisguised disdain are now taking a hard new look at the phenomenon.
Minhaz Merchant
August 15, 1978 |

The recent sightings of a 'flying saucer' in parts of Western India has revived the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) debate. Hard-headed scientists who used to regard ufology - and ufologists - with undisguised disdain are now taking a hard new look at the phenomenon.

Prof D. Lal, director of the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, took a personal interest in the controversy, following widely reported eye-witness accounts by people in Bombay, Udaipur and Ahmednagar, of a 25-km-long, 2-km-wide flying object on April 3. The PRL has now finished examining the pictures taken by an amateur Bombay photographer and the other evidence in a full-scale study - the first of its kind undertaken in India.

Dr J.N. Desai, chief of the investigative team, has made some preliminary calculations: The object's brightness is estimated at one-tenth that of the moon and its velocity at roughly 4 km per second; it was observed for three minutes over a stretch of 1,200 km in Western India at an altitude of 60 km.

Alien Spacecraft: Prof Lal said he would not rule out the possibility of the object being an alien spacecraft. However, he stressed that it could not be a satellite or a rocket because of the time factor involved.
That such largely unsubstantiated hypothesis can gain scientific currency (and capture the public imagination) is an indication that ufologists are back in business.

Dr Jayant V. Narlikar, the world-renowned astrophysicist, who is professor of astronomy at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, said: "Generally speaking, I do not subscribe to a belief in UFOs. Every investigation on the subject in the West has reached a dead-end. There is as yet not a shred of evidence that flying saucers exist. When people claim to have seen such mysterious objects, they are probably just being deceived by common optical illusions."

Illusions: Temperature inversion, for instance, is one natural phenomenon that can bring about optical illusions. The effect gives rise to a sandwich of cold and warm layers of air which cause both visual and radar mirages. Virtually all UFOs recorded on radar screens have now been determined to be mirage effects arising from temperature inversion. Thousands of eye witness accounts of strange moving objects, glowing brightly in the sky can be similarly explained by known scientific effects.

In certain atmospheric conditions, with ice-crystals present in nearby cirrus clouds, a halo forms around the sun making it appear like a glowing, slowly moving flying object. Dr V.S. Venkatavardan, a fellow in the TIFR's Cosmic Ray division, said: "At night, most so-called UFOs are in reality exceptionally bright meteorites or fireballs." The rarely seen Aurora Borealis effect (commonly known as the Northern Lights) is also sometimes mistaken for a flying saucer.

Super Beings: Assuming that there is intelligent life in outer space (an assumption that is, mathematically at least, perfectly valid) which can indulge in inter-planetary travel and is, therefore, technologically far more advanced than human beings, obviously, such 'super-beings' would establish prior radio contact with earth (or, if they were so inclined, jam the world's entire radio communication system) and having disdainfully noted our backwardness, would do either of the two things: conquer us or ignore us. Since the former hasn't occurred and the latter, if it had, would make little difference, it seems likely that the only visitors from outer space, in the near future at least, will be meteorites, comets and shooting stars.

Space: Down to Earth

Anytime now, Rs 2,000 crore will go up in flames when Skylab, the largest artificial earth satellite launched so far, plunges back to earth. The objectives for which it was sent into space have been achieved during the nine months of its operation (from May 14, 1973 to February 8, 1974).
V.S. Venkatavardan
September 30, 1978 |

Anytime now, Rs 2,000 crore will go up in flames when Skylab, the largest artificial earth satellite launched so far, plunges back to earth. The objectives for which it was sent into space have been achieved during the nine months of its operation (from May 14, 1973 to February 8, 1974).

It was abandoned in space with its systems completely "turned off". Scientists had, however, hoped to revisit the space station in the next two years to recover material left in the spacecraft and discover the effect on it of long duration exposure to outer space conditions.

But the space station is in a critical condition today and may plunge down to earth anytime and at any place. It has started wobbling and is losing altitude every minute. The downward spiral is caused by the residual atmospheric drag on the satellite. Even though the atmosphere at the satellite orbit height is quite thin, it is sufficient to bring the satellite down to the lower atmosphere over a number of years where it will burn and eventually fall.

A satellite at low altitude thus has a lower lifetime in space compared to one at a higher altitude (spy satellites orbiting at very low altitudes have lifetimes of only a few days or weeks). If the satellite is small, it may be completely burnt out in the atmosphere owing to friction. If sufficiently heavy (like Skylab) a portion of it may fall on earth with a high impact speed.

Object in Space: On January 1, 1977, the number of man-made objects in near earth space was 4,141. On an average about five objects are placed into space during the launching of a single satellite. These include the discarded rockets and other hardware used in launching the satellite. Skylab revolutionized space station technology and set innumerable records in space science.

A total of 172 days were spent in the space station by three successive crews of astronauts. The missions conclusively proved that man can live for a prolonged period in space without any ill effects. Investigations were carried out in the physical sciences, bio-medical sciences and earth and space applications.

Among others, a detailed study of the sun was carried out which gave over 3,00,000 solar photographs during various phases of its activity. Further, thousands of photographs of the famous Comet Kohoutek were taken. Over 10,000 photographs of the earth and 70 km of magnetic tapes of information related to earth observations were made during the mission.

The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, in collaboration with scientists from the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, exposed a stack of cosmic ray detectors for 73 days outside Skylab during the third manned mission and retrieved it for analysis of cosmic rays. These studies have given valuable information about cosmic rays - their origin and propogation in space. A new component of cosmic rays has been discovered by Indian scientists from Skylab studies.

The Fall: It was initially thought that Skylab would spiral down sometime during 1980. Its earlier anticipated fall is curiously due to the sun which controls the upper atmospheric pressure of the earth. The pressure is not a constant and varies by orders of magnitude, depending on the state of the sun. There are what are called sun spots - dark regions seen in the solar disc whose number varies periodically. From a near absence of sun spots during a "solar minimum", the number grows into a maximum and falls to a minimum again within a period of about 11 years which is called the "solar cycle".

The upper atmospheric pressure, and hence the air drag for the satellite, will be high during maximum solar activity. The sun is reaching the peak of its activity which is expected to be the maximum around 1979-80. That would be still 'safe' for Skylab if the solar activity during the present maximum is normal. But it appears that the present solar maximum will be extremely intense with the sun spot number exceeding 100 or so. If that is so, the drag on the satellite will be considerable, causing it to plunge downwards earlier than predicted.

Skylab can still be saved if a Space Shuttle is sent up and a booster rocket attached to the space station enabling it to be sent in a higher orbit. But this appears to be difficult because of a delay in the Space Shuttle project. Corrections have been carried out from the ground station at Houston, Texas, which has stabilized the spacecraft's wobble to some extent. But if the orbit is not sufficiently raised, it will quickly lose its altitude and will ultimately head towards the earth. A sudden increase in solar activity will quicken the process.

Food: The saving of Skylab is important because a number of materials were kept outside the spacecraft to discover the effects of prolonged exposure in space. Among the objects inside the space station are rehydratable thermostabilized bread pudding and beverages. A study of the retrieved material will be useful for future space programmes involving long duration flights.

Skylab left alone in space also poses a danger to the earth in that it may fall on some heavily inhabitated region. In principle its orbit could be changed so that it falls in an uninhabited area, such as the deep ocean or a desert. Thus there are two courses of action left open. Either it can be placed in an higher orbit so as to prolong its lifetime, or it can be destroyed in a pre-determined orbit with a minimum of danger to people and property on earth.

Biogas: Fuel of the Future

Once considered an intermediate technology fit only for the underprivileged "Third World", biogas is now generating interest in the West as a cheap, renewable source for energy.
Prabha K. Singh
October 31, 1978 |

The inhabitants of Mukimpur village in Bulandshahr district pledge not to marry their daughters in villages which have no biogas plants.
                                                                                                                         - The Times of India

Gimmicky as it may sound, That pledge betrays a genuine anxiety, based ironically enough, on the very success of the biogas experiment. Though still in its infancy, the 50,000 plants installed under the Khadi and Village Industries Commission's (KVIC) biogas programme are already producing 99.82 million cubic metre of gas, equivalent to 62 million litre of kerosene valued at Rs 62.49 million, and 11.20 lakh tonne of high quality organic manure worth Rs 50.86 million.

Not surprisingly, a number of the farmers, suddenly catapulted into unaccustomed wealth, reacted as if their families were under seige. A typical complaint was the one made by an Uttar Pradesh villager who said: "The women in my house no longer work. They don't make dung cakes, collect firewood,... every woman is becoming a queen by herself. The added income from the farm causes jealousy and when we white-washed the house last month and installed a gas light, we found we were isolated from the entire village. The only way out now is to dig up my plant or make sure my neighbours get one."

Fortunately for the old man, his plea was answered by Jashbhai J. Patel, then technical advisor to the KVIC. "That man eventually helped us install 450 plants in the area," recalls Patel, whose pioneering work earned him international recognition as the undisputed "father of biogas technology".

Cheap Source: The case for biogas is undeniable. Once considered an intermediate technology fit only for the underprivileged "Third World", biogas is now generating interest in the West as a cheap, renewable source for energy.

Germany which built the first plants in 1947 and abandoned research after some initial failure, recently sent a four member delegation headed by Dr Gunther Hilliges, of the Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association, to aid and study the successful Indian experiment.

"Although discovered in 1870, biogas would have remained an obsolete technology in the West," Dr Hilliges told India Today, "if it wasn't for the oil price hike of 1974. Suddenly farmers all over Germany are sending us letters regarding the possible installation of plants."

The team, which studied a number of villages in India, is planning to publish a handbook in several African, Asian and South American languages "promoting the enormous developmental advantages of these plants."

Fuel: An average family of five requires 50 cubic feet of gas per day for cooking and providing four hours of light between sunset and early morning. To feed a plant this size, however, the family needs at least five heads of cattle, each producing approximately 13 cubic feet of gas per day.

Predictably, 60 per cent of the plants belonged to rich farmers owning more than four hectares of irrigated land and of the rest, only 11 per cent were owned by farmers having less than five cattle. The poorest, landless farmers were suddenly denied access to the now precious dung cakes.

A village housewife - city comforts

"One way out of the problem," said Patel, "was to build a community plant." The Council for Industrial and Scientific Research (CISR) built the first one in Kodumunju village in the Karimnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. Constructed at a cost of Rs 85,000, the plant produces about 4,480 cubic feet of gas per day to meet the requirements of 12 to 15 families.

Other Benefits: An unexpected bonus was the dramatic improvement in health and hygiene. Says Patel: "There was a time when we could tell we were approaching the village from the characteristic, overpowering stench of festering faeces. Now that we have built community toilets to feed the plant along with other night-soil and agricultural refuse, flies and mosquitoes have almost disappeared - as have most stomach and intestinal disorders, trachoma and malaria."

Since then, several villages have put up community plants, most notably in the Kaira (Amul dairy) region of Gujarat where landless, caste shepherds own milch cattle. So successful was the venture that a businessman, M.V. Patel, has decided to operate a commercial plant. Half his dung requirements are purchased from local shepherds and the by-products - fuel and fertilizer - are sold at a substantial profit.

Of the estimated 980 million tonne of cattle dung available in the country, 30 per cent is burnt in the form of cakes, most of it in the Gangetic plain. How wasteful this method of cooking is, was revealed in an experiment which showed that only 11 per cent of the heat potential of the dung was utilized, the rest being turned to ashes. If on the other hand, the entire amount of dung was fed into gas plants, it would produce 36,260 million cubic metre of gas, enough for the fuel requirements of 87.45 families.

Saving: Further, of the 0.25 tonne of coal equivalent used as domestic fuel in India, at least 34.4 per cent consists of wood, dry leaves and agricultural wastes. The introduction of biogas would directly affect this 34 per cent of the rural population thus saving, at a conservative estimate, Rs 400 crore of valuable wood annually.

"This is one way of halting deforestation and enjoying the ecological benefits accruing from it - increased rainfall, less soil erosion and the preservation of rapidly disappearing wildlife," said Professor R. Guldager who has worked with bio-gas plants in Somalia and Ethiopia and now heads a department for development and settlement at the Technical University, Braunschweig. Indeed, so promising are the fuel possibilities that "the proper recycling of waste can produce as much energy as the nation's entire consumption of oil," said a former managing director of Indian Oil.

Added to this is the attraction of free, high quality organic manure. So rich is the humus and nitrogen content of the manure that unsuspecting farmers reaped double the yield in root crops such as potatoes, carrots and turnips. Studies undertaken by the Humus Institute revealed a number of instances where the introduction of nitrogenous manure doubled the vegetable yield per acre. "Organic manure is free from weeds, white ants, soil grubs and is the only way of improving the basic structure of the soil," said Patel, "whereas, chemical fertilizer works in a lopsided fashion."

Fertility: A study undertaken by Professor A.K.N. Reddy of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, demonstrated the tremendous economic and developmental advantages of biogas manure as against chemical fertilizers. To produce 2,30,000 tonne of nitrogen annually, a nation could either build one coal-based plant or 26,150 small, village level biogas plants.
The former would cost $140 million (Rs 136 crore) to build, half of it in foreign exchange, and would consume coal equivalent to the energy requirements of 550 villages. The latter would cost $15 million (Rs 13.5 crore) less, would require no foreign exchange, be able to use renewable energy resources and would be environmentally sounder, as it is non-polluting. Further, it could be brought to production within a matter of months, given the right organization as against the couple of years required to build a big plant.Moreover, the benefits of development, would be spread more evenly in 26,150 centres rather than being concentrated in one area. The biogas plants, for instance, would generate 130 times as much employment in the most backward areas.
Undoubtedly, biogas can become a major energy source for rural India and give much needed impetus to rural development. It remains to be seen whether the much-vaunted rural programmes of the Janata Government would exploit its full potentials.

The Sea: Hidden Wealth

The Government is to commission a research vessel to undertake off-shore mineral exploration in the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean by 1981.
G.V. Joshi
October 31, 1978,

The Government is to commission a research vessel to undertake off-shore mineral exploration in the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean by 1981. Negotiations have been started with a West German ship building firm for developing and fabricating this research vessel.

The vessel will be used by Geological Survey of India (GSI), but the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) will also use this vessel for their research work.

Geologists from GSI and NIO have been carrying out studies and samplings of sea bottoms in the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean by hiring small mechanized boats. They also participate in Indian Navy cruises. Studies carried out so far have shown very encouraging results.

The sea floor is scattered with a variety of minerals waiting to be explored. Geologists have located nearly 288 million tonne of very high grade calcareous sand up lo a depth of one metre below the lagoon floors of some Lakshadweep islands. Calcareous sand is an excellent raw material for the manufacture of high grade cement.

The continental shelf covers an area of about one million square kilometre. This is nearly one third of the total land area of India. The Government has full rights over the mineral wealth on the continental shelf. Besides oil and gas explored and exploited by the Oil and Natural Gas Commission and Oil India Ltd, the minerals found on the continental shelf and the deep sea can be classified into three groups.

Terrigenous Minerals: Recent work done by GSI and NIO has resulted in the discovery of huge deposits of ilmenite, monazite and calcareous sands along the cost of Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa.

While ilmenite is used in the manufacture of Titanium - an important metal used in the manufacture of supersonic aircraft - and Titanium Dioxide (Ti02) - a starting material for the manufacture of paints - monazite sands are used to recover thorium, an important radioactive metal.

Other deposits of lesser value are gravel and sand used in the building industry. Due to shortage of dredgers and the problems of obtainings suitable ships, even these cheap raw materials could not be exploited until recently. While there is an acute shortage of these two items in cities like Bombay and Calcutta, they are lying in abundance and only waiting to be exploited a few kilometres off-shore. The same material can be used for preventing erosion.

Biogenous Deposits: Biogenous deposits along the ocean floor consist of shell pieces and skeletal debris of marine organism. The deposits in Kerala's Vembanad Lake and in the Gulf of Kutch are well known, and they are being mined at present.

Similar deposits have been discovered in the Gulf of Mannar, the Palk Straits, and along the coasts of some of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Exploitable reserves of about 1,400 million tonne of coral sand have been found in the lagoons of the Lakshadweep islands. These deposits of almost pure calcium carbonate are used in a variety of industries.

Chemogenous Deposits: The most important chemogenous deposit is manganese nodules. Manganese nodules in the shape of potatoes contain manganese (19 per cent), and iron (12 per cent). They also contain nickel, cobalt and copper in recoverable quantities.

They are known to occupy very large areas of the sea floor in the deeper parts of the Indian Ocean (10 million square kilometre). The estimated reserves of manganese ore on land are about 68 million tonne, and India is annually mining nearly two million tonne.

At this rapid rate, it is likely that India will run out of manganese ore very soon. Thus the exploitation of sea floor manganese nodules is of great importance not only for the manganese, but also for nickel, copper and cobalt, which are also in short supply.

At present there is mining of monazite and ilmenite sands in addition to shells and calcareous sand from the sea floor. About one million tonne of calcareous sand was dredged from the seas off Jamnagar and 93,000 tonne of shells were dredged from the Vembanad Lake. The entire production was used for the manufacture of cement.

A titanium dioxide plant is being built at Chavera, about 15 kilometre from Quilon in Kerala. The plant will produce 22,000 tonne of Ti02 pigments annually. It will use ilmenite from the Chavera coast of Kerala. The Chavera plant should have no problems in getting raw material for the next 60-70 years from these deposits.
Non-Stop: The new vessel will pave the way for the study of marine geology and exploitation of sea floor.

Then the exploration will go on day and night, year after year, in fair weather or foul to know more about the wealth of the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and the Bay of Bengal, which have been washing the shores of India for millions of years.

The Desert Sun

Shyam Bhatia, India Today's West Asia correspondent, reports on a project to harness solar energy in a small Egyptian village.

Shyam Bhatia: February 15, 1978

A new solar energy project with profound implications for developing countries, including India, is being conducted in a remote Egyptian village. The project is located in Basaisa village about 95 km northeast of Cairo.

It consists in the first instance of a solar energy panel, donated by a private firm, which charges a 12 volt car battery during the day to provide television viewing for the village in the evening. The second half of the project consists of using two parabolic collectors - concave wooden dishes covered with plastic - which transmit heat to insulated water tanks.

The project is being sponsored by physicist Dr Salah Arafa, from the American University in Cairo, who says he wants to show, how low-cost solar energy units can meet the basic needs of Egypt's rural population.

His work has already attracted considerable international interest. Only last year the National Science Foundation of America invited him to apply for a grant that would allow his project to be expanded to a much wider geographical area. When the grant is approved, the 35 year old scientist hopes to extend his work to more villages in Egypt and also in the Sudan.

Dr Arafa, a solid-state physicist by training, originally formulated his plans about three years ago when he had just become interested in solar energy as a fast developing branch of science. "The professional choice I faced was whether to continue as before - part pure researcher and part teacher - or to use my abilities to meeting human needs on a practical everyday level."

Having made his decision, Dr Arafa then began searching for a suitable area in which to carry out his field work. He chose Basaisa because of its proximity to Cairo and also because it contained features common to many Egyptian villages.

Basaisa is a typical Nile delta village with its 40 families living in mud-brick houses thatched with grass roofs. There is no electricity, literacy levels are a low 10 per cent and the annual per capita income is only Rs 3,000.

The solar project in Basaisa has not led to a dramatic rise in the standard of living, but its impact on villagers' lives has none the less been considerable. Says village spokesman Mohammed Shafei, aged 40, "We used to talk a lot in the village about how different our lives would be when the Government provided us with electricity.

"Now instead of waiting for the Government, we are changing our lives by our own efforts. We think many things will be possible in the future by using the sun's rays." So enthusiastic are the villagers that they have been pressing Dr Arafa to come up with still more ideas for harnessing solar power. As a result work has already begun on constructing a solar unit to provide power for a huge communal oven in the village square.

Another idea under consideration is to use solar energy for de-salination and purification purposes. This idea, which has received wide publicity in the village, is to condense brackish and stagnant water. Condensation thus aids filtration and thus provides clean water for everyone.

The villagers' current enthusiasm is a far cry from two years ago when Dr Arafa's arrival was treated with suspicion. In order to overcome any hostility Dr Arafa decided to introduce the concept of solar research only after he made friends with all the local families.

For two years he ran weekly classes in English and carpentry which led to regular contacts with all the families. Then six months ago he brought a simple lense with him to the village and used it to light his friends' cigarettes. "Their reaction was stunning," he recalls. "They thought at first that I was using magic. Later they realized this was all part of what I had talked about on previous occasions."

Within a few weeks the villagers had agreed to accept a solar panel that would power the battery cells for a single television set in the evenings. They also agreed to provide the labour for digging two insulated water tanks. Even the parabolic collectors were built and paid for by the villagers themselves.

Dr Arafa hopes to persuade the Government to earmark funds for other solar projects in the country. "What I hope the Government will realize is that basic energy needs can be met by other than huge and expensive capital-intensive programmes, for example those involving the construction of nuclear power plants.

"Moreover," he adds, "the social spinoffs of grass-roots energy projects are considerable. For example, the villagers, because of their own direct involvement, will not steal vital equipment and sell it in the cities."

The next step for Dr Arafa is to choose six nearby villages where other solar units can be constructed. But this time he will not need audience approval before he begins work. The steady stream of visitors to Basaisa - 5,000 at the last count - since the completion of the first two solar units indicates that surrounding villages at least are likely to give him a free hand.

Meanwhile he is taking time off to write to scientist friends in other countries to acquaint himself with the latest efforts in solar research elsewhere. In this connection he is especially interested in hearing from relevant experts in India because, so he says, development problems in India and Egypt are very similar.
Another point is that the excellence of Indian scientific research is appreciated all over the world, and Dr Arafa wants to see what the latest experiments in India are all about. "Can you put me in touch with solar scientists from India,"he asks?"Who knows, our joint efforts today might lead to something really big in the future?"

The Battle of the Bug

India loses about Rs. 5,000 crores worth of agricultural products every year due to ravages of insects and pests. The loss is about 18 per cent of our total food production, while India's food deficit even during the worst years is around 10 per cent.

India loses about Rs. 5,000 crores worth of agricultural products every year due to ravages of insects and pests. The loss is about 18 per cent of our total food production, while India's food deficit even during the worst years is around 10 per cent. According to WHO estimates, every two acres a farmer cultivates, he grows one to feed insects and pests.

Because of the impending catastrophe, there is keen awareness in research circles now to develop new control methods and improve upon those that are already existing.

Biological control, that is the regulation of plant and animal numbers with the help of natural enemies, is the most potent and widespread pest-control method.

 A number of viruses have been tested for their potential to kill pests. The unit of Invertebrate Virology at Oxford University and Centre for Overseas Pest Research have begun a joint project on a virus which attacks a universal and devastating pest, the army worm moth. Oxford University is also working on viruses which could be useful in controlling pests in sugarcane and pineapple crops. The Unit has identified a virus which attacks the pine saw-fly with 80 per cent success.

The Small Scale Industry Laboratory at Poona has prepared a wettable powder after blending spores and B.thuringiensis toxins. About 150 species of leaf-eating caterpillars of lepidopteron insects infesting cotton, wheat, sugarcane and groundnut crops, are affected by the spray of the powder and die a violent death. Scientists at Bhaba Atomic Research Centre are busy isolating certain viruses and bacteria with high specificity and selectivity to the pest attacking economically important crops like cotton, castor and groundnut.

The successful field trials for the biological control of Lantana weed with the help of a bug, Teleonemia scrupulous, recently won great applause in academic circles. The-Indian Council of Agricultural Research made a cash award of Rs. 15,000 on the single-handed work of C. Lohumi, a primary school teacher of Nainital. The bug saps Lantana leaves and ultimately destroys the entire bush.

Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC), one of the research units under the Indian Council of Medical Research, is now engaged in mass-rearing of a bug that saps blood from mosquito larvae and kills them. VRC scientists have also identified a fungus in paddy fields that also kills the larvae of malaria mosquito. Attempts are being made to grow the fungus on a large scale so that it can help in malaria eradication.

The traditional and the well known predator of the malaria mosquito is a lavivorous fish Gambusia affinis. The eight cm. long fish has a voracious appetite for mosquito larvae. Two-year long experiments conducted with Gambusia showed spectacular results. Immediately after the fish were released in about 3,800 wells and other stagnant waters of Hyderabad city the larvae count dropped and after six months only 18 pupae were found in the water. Another fish, Poecilia reticulata which is commonly known as guppy is also adapted for mosquito control in polluted waters of India, Burma and Thailand.

Chrysanthemum, a popular flowering plant of winter, is used to extract insecticidal pyrethrum. The dried powder of this flower has been used to kill insects since ancient times. It is harmless to mammals and useful against flies, wasps, mosquito and cattle lice. However, pyrethroids break down in sunlight making them impractical for agricultural use. But the new British product NRDC-143 is stable in sunlight for upto five days.

Nicotine extracted from tobacco is also quite effective against insects and pests. Nicotine is usually sold in the form of 40 per cent solution of nicotine sulphate. The stink of the garlic oil can also put an end to house-hold insects, plant pests and mosquitoes. Field trials for mosquito control with garlic oil have been successfully conducted in the Bombay suburbs of Andheri and Chembur by scientists working at the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre.

Sex attractants or pheromones are the glamour tools in pest management programmes. These subsequent affect the mating behavior of insects. Traps with sex ???attractants are used to attract insects which are subsequently destroyed. When sprayed into the air, the attractants draw large amounts of males throwing them into complete confusion and making it almost impossible to identify a female and male. The next generation of insects is thus greatly reduced.

A variation of this method developed from the pioneering work of Dr. E. F. Knipling is to sterilize millions of male insects by gamma radiation and release them into the air. In a generation or two, the insect population is greatly reduced. A great success of the sterilization method has been the campaign against screwworm affecting cattle and sheep, by the release of a large number of male adult flies sterilized by gamma radiation. Since 1939, DDT is being used against insects carrying malaria, typhus and yellow fever. Since then a number of other chemical pesticides have, been synthesized and the market is now flooded with new pesticidal chemicals and their formulations.

Pesticides are quick in action. Swarms of insects can be sprayed and killed in flight, protecting entire crops. Whole cities can be sprayed to control insect-borne diseases. Due to these factors the demand has increased at a rate of 20-25 per cent per year. But it is now well-known that indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides has been chiefly responsible for the deterioration of the environment and caused irrepairable damage to the soil, fish, wildlife and man. Beneficial species are destroyed while new varieties of harmful species have thrived with even greater resistance. About 50 mosquito species are reported to have developed resistance after continuous spray of insecticides.

But in the context of the global shortage of food and the recurrence of diseases, the war against insects and pests has to be intensified. The farmers and public health authorities need to adopt an integrated approach to pest management, utilizing a variety of control technologies in an economically and ecologically sound fashion. An integrated approach must include the use of chemicals that interfere specifically with the biochemical systems of the pest but do not harm the environment; the use of biological control agents and natural products; breeding of pest-resistant crops and the introduction of genetically modified pests into natural populations; adjusting planting time and use of a combination of seeds, each resistant to different pests; and finally improved formulations and application methods of pesticidal chemicals.

A Gift of Life

Ritesh, the eldest in a family of three children, had a serious defect in his heart which troubled his breathing. Many heart specialists in India had examined him but could not cure him.

Delhi's Palam Airport saw an unusual reunion on Tuesday, February 3, as the arrival of an Air India flight from Bombay was announced. A small group of men and women, their faces flushed with expectancy, stood silently watching the plane land.

The plane's most important passenger was three-year old Ritesh Arora, popularly known as the "pink baby." As soon as Ritesh carried by his father emerged from the customs he was showered with hugs and kisses from loving relatives. The happiness and excitement proved too much for his mother who burst into tears as she lifted her baby in her arms. A crowd of reporters gathered to witness the touching reunion and the next day the story was splashed on the front page of all the morning dailies.

Relatives and friends crammed into the Arora's small house where little Ritesh was the centre of attention. They had reason to rejoice. Ritesh, the eldest in a family of three children, had a serious defect in his heart which troubled his breathing. Many heart specialists in India had examined him but could not cure him. When father and son left for the U.S. eight months ago, many of the family were not sure that they would ever see the little boy again. Heart specialists in India had lost hope. Due to the major circulation defect in his heart Ritesh was not given more than a few months to live. Indian doctors offered one remote chance-a major operation in the USA just might save the boy.

Mr. Arora immediately sent off a letter to his sister and her husband informing them of the urgency of the case. After consulting doctors there, they wrote back telling Mr. Arora to bring Ritesh to America. Prospects suddenly looked brighter. But on arriving there Mr. Arora learned that even amongst U.S. doctors there were differences of opinion. Some said that an operation was useless since the boy's lungs were severely damaged from birth. Others considered it a high-risk operation but said that without it Ritesh would not live longer than four months.

The decision was made. The operation was to be performed and Dr. McGoon of the famous Mayo Clinic in Minnesota had agreed to perform it, though he placed the chances of survival at 50 per cent.

Then arose the major problem of finance. Medical expenses amounted to almost $ 10,000 (Rs. 85,000) and Mr. Arora, an English teacher at the Government Boys' Higher Secondary School in Shahdara, did not have that kind of money. Having anticipated this problem earlier, Mr. Arora had suggested that Ritesh be adopted by his sister and her husband which would entitle him to have the operation free of charge in the U.S. 

However, once he got there he learned that the proceedings for the operation would take almost a year. Time was running out. The operation had to be performed immediately. Just when he seemed at a total loss, a brilliant suggestion by his brother-in-law saved the situation.

He suggested a letter explaining Ritesh's case-history be sent to the New Jersey Daily News. Within two days the story of the little boy doomed to death for lack of funds was on newspaper's front page. This was immediately taken up by the New York Times and several television channels. Mr. Arora said, "I got so much publicity in the press that I felt more important than President Ford."

The response was astounding-much more than Mr. Arora had dared hope even in his wildest dreams. Within seven days the donations had amounted to $7,000 and by the time he left USA the amount had more than doubled, reaching over $ 15,000. The highest donation was approximately $1,000. Curiously, Mr. Arora never met any of the donors though sometimes he did manage to speak to many of them on the telephone. Touched by the extreme-generosity of the American people he said, "I have no words to express what the American people did for my child. Ritesh is breathing today only because of their generosity."

As soon as the problem of money was solved, speedy arrangements for the five- hour open heart operation were made by Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The operation which was performed on January 20, was the first of a two-stage procedure to repair the child's heart. A very tense but confident Mr. Arora waited for the final verdict. He was confident that the operation would be successful, for by a strange coincidence everything regarding the operation had happened on a Tuesday: the day of their arrival in America, the tests and the operation itself all fell on a Tuesday, a day on which Mr. Arora always fasts because of his staunch belief in the diety, Hanuman. Little Ritesh too had helped give him confidence. One night a few days before the operation he woke his father up in the middle of, the night and said, "Daddy don't worry. I know I have to be cut up from here to here (pointing to his heart) but I am going to be alright.' He had in fact gone into the operation theatre without seeming too scared, and had been very friendly with all the doctors and nurses.

But naturally, Mr. Arora did have pangs of acute apprehension. None of the doctors had seemed a hundred per cent sure of success. The operation was a very crucial one. It involved inserting a partition within the heart chamber to regulate the flow of unoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood to the body. To prevent excess blood from flowing into the lungs, the pulmonary artery was constricted with a band.

Right from the time Mr. Arora and Ritesh left for Minnesota they were accompanied by reporters and television crews. The journey there, the preparation for the operation, and the final success of the operation were all shown on television and reports appeared in all the newspapers. Mr. Arora said, "We were surrounded by wel1 wishers and blessings right up to the time we left America."

It is barely a month since the operation but already Ritesh is showing definite signs of improvement. His breathing is more regular and the blueness around his lip and nails has completely disappeared. But he is still too weak on his feet to be allowed to stand. When Mr. Arora had asked a doctor in America whether it would be just a matter of months before Ritesh would be walking, the doctor had replied, "It is not a question of months. In a few weeks Ritesh will be running around like normal children.'

However Ritesh will have to undergo the second part of the operation in about five to ten years in which two arteries in his heart will have to be transposed. If that operation too cannot be performed in India, Mr. Arora will take Ritesh to the U.S. again for the operation. He does not anticipate too many difficulties because there is already some money in Ritesh's account in America which has been reserved to pay for the second operation.

But now back in India, Ritesh and his family can look forward to a new life.

Medicine: Magnetic Controversy

The possible hazardous side effects of magnetotherapy which is similar to any microwave irradiation do not, however, deter the faithful followers. For them this is no fake science or miracle cure, but an ancient system of medicine, rediscovered.

The magnetic treatment of various human diseases, said to have been mentioned in the Atharva Veda, but forgotten for centuries till it was recently revived by homoeopaths in the United States, the Soviet Union and Japan, has sparked off a controversy in New Delhi.

Homoepath Dr. H. L. Bansal who runs a free magnetotherapy clinic says magnets act on the iron in the blood, thus benefiting the human metabolism. The pervading influence of the magnetic field on the circulation, the nerves and the muscles cures diseases ranging from apendicitis and asthma to sprains and sleeplessness. But a Delhi University zoologist, Dr. K. S. Balasubramaniam cautions that magnetic treatment harms brain cells, affects the functioning of the vital pituitary gland and causes sterility. His research on the effect of an electromagnetic field on the brains of rats and birds revealed that a magnetic field of 10 gauss caused sperm cells in the testes to decay within two weeks of exposure. The end result was that no sperm cells were formed.

The decay, he says, was caused by the magnetic effect on the higher centres of the brain which control the master gland, the pituitary. He found this by estimating the brain hormones bio-chemically, and feels, that other hormones too were likely to be similarly affected.

The possible hazardous side effects of magnetotherapy which is similar to any microwave irradiation do not, however, deter the faithful followers. For them this is no fake science or miracle cure, but an ancient system of medicine, rediscovered.

The Bansal clinic has a range of magnets in different shapes and sizes and of varying strengths which are measured by the weights of iron they attract. The most commonly used magnet, shaped like a small solid ball sliced in half, lifts a 10-kg. iron weight.

A patient with a skin infection like eczema on his legs is made to sit for about 10 minutes with a foot on each half of a pair of magnets, thus becoming part of the magnetic field. Initially he might feel a slight nausea but usually overt side effects are minimal. About 24 hours is the gap between each application to maintain a steady rhythm. Magnetotherapy is said to be unaffected by any allopathic, ayurvedic or homoeopathic medicines that may be taken concurrently.

Special magnetized health bands and magnetized water are also recommended. The total magnetic treatment is believed to ionize the blood, regulate the autonomic system, produce heat which reduces swellings and pains, and control the secretion of hormones. For the merely old or tired, magnetotherapy promises renewed youth, lustre and vigour.

But the scientific mind of Dr. Balasubramaniam questions: just how does all this happen. Magnetic treatment would ionize the blood and make it flow more freely, but tampering with the iron content of the blood could produce structural changes which would affect the hormones that reached the circulatory system.

Controlling certain growths such as tumours or reducing swellings, he feels, is possible, but this seemed to be working against the biological system and its possible harmful side effects had not been investigated. He also queries how magnetized water works to produce the beneficial effects that therapists claim.

Basic to magnetotherapy is the supposed differential action of the north and south poles. Dr. Bansal says the north pole kills germs and stops the activities of bacteria. Hence it is applied to boils, skin rashes, eczema, glands etc. The south pole generates heat and provides energy. It gives strength and warmth and removes pain and swelling. For localized treatment only one magnet, as the case indicates, is used, Dr. Bansal says. Dr. Balasubramaniam, however, feels that the differential action of the north and south poles is not scientifically substantiated.

Dr. Bansal in turn takes up his zoologist questioner by quoting foreign experiments in biomagnetism which he claims have proved conclusively that no harmful effects have been observed in animals and men exposed to intense magnetic fields for a duration of 15 minutes. The rats and birds in Dr. Balsubramaniam's experiments must have been exposed to an overdose, he says.

Dr. Balasubramaniam himself admits that the intensity which might harm a small animal need not adversely affect a human being whose brain size is proportionately larger. The same result is also not obtained if the magnet is applied to the organ directly and not to the brain. The brain it seems was particularly vulnerable but the primary cells of the organ were not affected, so the damage could be tempor

NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Spots Pluto's Faintest Known Moons

Following the spacecraft's detection of Pluto's giant moon Charon in July 2013 and Pluto's smaller moons Hydra and Nix in July 2014 and January 2015, respectively, New Horizons is now within sight of all the known members of the Pluto system.

For the first time, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has photographed Kerberos and Styx - the smallest and faintest of Pluto's five known moons.

It completes the Pluto family as of now. If the spacecraft observes any additional moons as it gets closer to Pluto, they will be worlds that no one has seen before.

"New Horizons is now on the threshold of discovery," said John Spencer, mission science team member from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

Following the spacecraft's detection of Pluto's giant moon Charon in July 2013 and Pluto's smaller moons Hydra and Nix in July 2014 and January 2015, respectively, New Horizons is now within sight of all the known members of the Pluto system.

Drawing ever closer to Pluto in mid-May, New Horizons will begin its first search for new moons or rings that might threaten the spacecraft on its passage through the Pluto system.

The images of faint Styx and Kerberos are allowing the search team to refine the techniques they will use to analyze those data, which will push the sensitivity limits even deeper.

Kerberos and Styx were discovered in 2011 and 2012, respectively, by New Horizons team members using the Hubble Space Telescope.

Styx, circling Pluto every 20 days, is likely just seven-21 kms in diameter and Kerberos, with a 32-day period, is just 10-30 km in diameter.

The images detecting Kerberos and Styx were taken with New Horizons' most sensitive camera, the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI).

"Detecting these tiny moons from a distance of more than 55 million miles is amazing," added New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern.

Other unlabeled features in the processed images include the imperfectly removed images of background stars and other residual artifacts.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Researchers Find World's First Warm-Blooded Fish

The silvery fish, roughly the size of a large automobile tire, is known from oceans around the world and dwells hundreds of feet beneath the surface in chilly, dimly lit waters.

  • Researchers have discovered a first fully warm-blooded fish that circulates heated blood throughout its body much like mammals and birds.
  • The silvery fish, roughly the size of a large automobile tire, is known from oceans around the world and dwells hundreds of feet beneath the surface in chilly, dimly lit waters.
  • The warm-blooded opah or moonfish swims by rapidly flapping its large, red pectoral fins like wings through the water, giving it a competitive advantage in the cold ocean depths, reported the team from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries (NOAA Fisheries).
  • "That warm-blooded advantage turns the opah into a high-performance predator that swims faster, reacts more quickly and sees more sharply," said fisheries biologist Nicholas Wegner, lead author of the paper.
  • "It turns out to be a very active predator that chases down agile prey like squid and can migrate long distances," he added.
  • While looking at opah, Wegner recognised an unusual design: Blood vessels that carry warm blood into the fish's gills wind around those carrying cold blood back to the body core after absorbing oxygen from water.
  • The design is known in engineering as "counter-current heat exchange."
  • Resembling a car radiator, it's a natural adaptation that conserves heat.
  • The unique location of the heat exchange within the gills allows nearly the fish's entire body to maintain an elevated temperature even in the chilly depths.
  • "There has never been anything like this seen in a fish's gills before," Wegner said.
  • This is a cool innovation by these animals that gives them a competitive edge.
  • "The concept of counter-current heat exchange was invented in fish long before we thought of it," the authors said.
  • Discoveries like this will help scientists understand the role species play in the marine ecosystem.

Soon a Plane Could Fly Through Venus's Atmosphere

The ambitious project would see the plane cruise through the sulfurous skies of Venus for years, sampling the acidic alien atmosphere directly and observe the venusian surface from 50 km up.
A US aerospace company is planning to build an inflatable propeller plane that could fly through Venus's atmosphere in 2021. The ambitious project would see the plane cruise through the sulfurous skies of Venus for years, sampling the acidic alien atmosphere directly and observe the venusian surface from 50 kilometres up. However, the plane faces a battle to get USD 1 billion in funding from NASA in order to get off the ground. Called the Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform (VAMP), the concept for the vehicle is currently being drawn up by the company Northrop Grumman. VAMP would have a wingspan of 55 metres with an estimated top speed of 220km/h. The ground temperature on Venus hovers around 460 degrees Celsius. Ambient surface pressure is about 90 Earth atmospheres, 'Space News' reported. "Surviving on the surface for any longer than four hours and getting high-resolution data is a challenge," said Constantine Tsang, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. VAMP, however, would fly in a more forgiving environment. It would be flown 50 to 70km above the surface of Venus, in a region of the atmosphere where the pressure is roughly equal to that on Earth. The temperature at that altitude on Venus is about 15 degrees Celsius. The plane would be carried to Venus by a spacecraft, and upon arriving in orbit around the planet, it would detach and enter the atmosphere by itself. The next New Frontiers competition is set to begin in the US government's 2016 fiscal year, which starts October 1. The winning mission would have to be ready for launch around 2021.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Gregor Mendel

 Botanist, Scientist(1822–1884)

Gregor Mendel was an Austrian monk who discovered the basic principles of heredity through experiments in his garden. Mendel's observations became the foundation of modern genetics and the study of heredity, and he is widely considered a pioneer in the field of genetics.


Gregor Mendel, known as the "father of modern genetics," was born in Austria in 1822. A monk, Mendel discovered the basic principles of heredity through experiments in his monastery's garden. His experiments showed that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, subsequently becoming the foundation of modern genetics and leading to the study of heredity.

Early Life

Gregor Johann Mendel was born Johann Mendel on July 22, 1822, to Anton and Rosine Mendel, on his family’s farm, in what was then Heinzendorf, Austria. He spent his early youth in that rural setting, until age 11, when a local schoolmaster who was impressed with his aptitude for learning recommended that he be sent to secondary school in Troppau to continue his education. The move was a financial strain on his family, and often a difficult experience for Mendel, but he excelled in his studies, and in 1840, he graduated from the school with honors.
Following his graduation, Mendel enrolled in a two-year program at the Philosophical Institute of the University of Olmütz. There, he again distinguished himself academically, particularly in the subjects of physics and math, and tutored in his spare time to make ends meet. Despite suffering from deep bouts of depression that, more than once, caused him to temporarily abandon his studies, Mendel graduated from the program in 1843.
That same year, against the wishes of his father, who expected him to take over the family farm, Mendel began studying to be a monk: He joined the Augustinian order at the St. Thomas Monastery in Brno, and was given the name Gregor. At that time, the monastery was a cultural center for the region, and Mendel was immediately exposed to the research and teaching of its members, and also gained access to the monastery’s extensive library and experimental facilities.
In 1849, when his work in the community in Brno exhausted him to the point of illness, Mendel was sent to fill a temporary teaching position in Znaim. However, he failed a teaching-certification exam the following year, and in 1851, he was sent to the University of Vienna, at the monastery’s expense, to continue his studies in the sciences. While there, Mendel studied mathematics and physics under Christian Doppler, after whom the Doppler effect of wave frequency is named; he studied botany under Franz Unger, who had begun using a microscope in his studies, and who was a proponent of a pre-Darwinian version of evolutionary theory.
In 1853, upon completing his studies at the University of Vienna, Mendel returned to the monastery in Brno and was given a teaching position at a secondary school, where he would stay for more than a decade. It was during this time that he began the experiments for which he is best known.

Experiments and Theories

Around 1854, Mendel began to research the transmission of hereditary traits in plant hybrids. At the time of Mendel’s studies, it was a generally accepted fact that the hereditary traits of the offspring of any species were merely the diluted blending of whatever traits were present in the “parents.” It was also commonly accepted that, over generations, a hybrid would revert to its original form, the implication of which suggested that a hybrid could not create new forms. However, the results of such studies were often skewed by the relatively short period of time during which the experiments were conducted, whereas Mendel’s research continued over as many as eight years (between 1856 and 1863), and involved tens of thousands of individual plants.
Mendel chose to use peas for his experiments due to their many distinct varieties, and because offspring could be quickly and easily produced. He cross-fertilized pea plants that had clearly opposite characteristics—tall with short, smooth with wrinkled, those containing green seeds with those containing yellow seeds, etc.—and, after analyzing his results, reached two of his most important conclusions: the Law of Segregation, which established that there are dominant and recessive traits passed on randomly from parents to offspring (and provided an alternative to blending inheritance, the dominant theory of the time), and the Law of Independent Assortment, which established that traits were passed on independently of other traits from parent to offspring. He also proposed that this heredity followed basic statistical laws. Though Mendel’s experiments had been conducted with pea plants, he put forth the theory that all living things had such traits.
In 1865, Mendel delivered two lectures on his findings to the Natural Science Society in Brno, who published the results of his studies in their journal the following year, under the title Experiments on Plant Hybrids. Mendel did little to promote his work, however, and the few references to his work from that time period indicated that much of it had been misunderstood. It was generally thought that Mendel had shown only what was already commonly known at the time—that hybrids eventually revert to their original form. The importance of variability and its evolutionary implications were largely overlooked. Furthermore, Mendel's findings were not viewed as being generally applicable, even by Mendel himself, who surmised that they only applied to certain species or types of traits. Of course, his system eventually proved to be of general application and is one of the foundational principles of biology.

Later Life and Legacy

In 1868, Mendel was elected abbot of the school where he had been teaching for the previous 14 years, and both his resulting administrative duties and his gradually failing eyesight kept him from continuing any extensive scientific work. He traveled little during this time, and was further isolated from his contemporaries as the result of his public opposition to an 1874 taxation law that increased the tax on the monasteries to cover Church expenses.
Gregor Mendel died on January 6, 1884, at the age of 61. He was laid to rest in the monastery’s burial plot and his funeral was well attended. His work, however, was still largely unknown.
It was not until decades later, when Mendel’s research informed the work of several noted geneticists, botanists and biologists conducting research on heredity, that its significance was more fully appreciated, and his studies began to be referred to as Mendel’s Laws. Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns and Erich von Tschermak-Seysenegg each independently duplicated Mendel's experiments and results in 1900, finding out after the fact, allegedly, that both the data and the general theory had been published in 1866 by Mendel. Questions arose about the validity of the claims that the trio of botanists were not aware of Mendel's previous results, but they soon did credit Mendel with priority. Even then, however, his work was often marginalized by Darwinians, who claimed that his findings were irrelevant to a theory of evolution. As genetic theory continued to develop, the relevance of Mendel’s work fell in and out of favor, but his research and theories are considered fundamental to any understanding of the field, and he is thus considered the "father of modern genetics."

Stephen Hawking

Physicist, Scientist(1942–)

Scientist Stephen Hawking is known for his groundbreaking work with black holes and relativity, and is the author of several popular science books including 'A Brief History of Time.'


Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. At an early age, Hawking showed a passion for science and the sky. At age 21, while studying cosmology at the University of Cambridge, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Despite his debilitating illness, he has done groundbreaking work in physics and cosmology, and his several books have helped to make science accessible to everyone. Part of his life story was depicted in the 2014 film The Theory of Everything.

Early Life and Background

The eldest of Frank and Isobel Hawking's four children, Stephen William Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of the death of Galileo—long a source of pride for the noted physicist—on January 8, 1942. He was born in Oxford, England, into a family of thinkers. His Scottish mother had earned her way into Oxford University in the 1930s—a time when few women were able to go to college. His father, another Oxford graduate, was a respected medical researcher with a specialty in tropical diseases.

Stephen Hawking's birth came at an inopportune time for his parents, who didn't have much money. The political climate was also tense, as England was dealing with World War II and the onslaught of German bombs. In an effort to seek a safer place, Isobel returned to Oxford to have the couple's first child. The Hawkings would go on to have two other children, Mary (1943) and Philippa (1947). And their second son, Edward, was adopted in 1956.

The Hawkings, as one close family friend described them, were an "eccentric" bunch. Dinner was often eaten in silence, each of the Hawkings intently reading a book. The family car was an old London taxi, and their home in St. Albans was a three-story fixer-upper that never quite got fixed. The Hawkings also housed bees in the basement and produced fireworks in the greenhouse.

In 1950, Hawking's father took work to manage the Division of Parasitology at the National Institute of Medical Research, and spent the winter months in Africa doing research. He wanted his eldest child to go into medicine, but at an early age, Hawking showed a passion for science and the sky. That was evident to his mother, who, along with her children, often stretched out in the backyard on summer evenings to stare up at the stars. "Stephen always had a strong sense of wonder," she remembered. "And I could see that the stars would draw him."

Early in his academic life, Hawking, while recognized as bright, was not an exceptional student. During his first year at St. Albans School, he was third from the bottom of his class. But Hawking focused on pursuits outside of school; he loved board games, and he and a few close friends created new games of their own. During his teens, Hawking, along with several friends, constructed a computer out of recycled parts for solving rudimentary mathematical equations.

Hawking was also frequently on the go. With his sister Mary, Hawking, who loved to climb, devised different entry routes into the family home. He remained active even after he entered University College at Oxford University at the age of 17. He loved to dance and also took an interest in rowing, becoming a team coxswain.

Hawking expressed a desire to study mathematics, but since Oxford didn't offer a degree in that specialty, Hawking gravitated toward physics and, more specifically, cosmology.

By his own account, Hawking didn't put much time into his studies. He would later calculate that he averaged about an hour a day focusing on school. And yet he didn't really have to do much more than that. In 1962, he graduated with honors in natural science and went on to attend Trinity Hall at Cambridge University for a PhD in cosmology.

ALS Diagnosis

While Hawking first began to notice problems with his physical health while he was at Oxford—on occasion he would trip and fall, or slur his speech—he didn't look into the problem until 1963, during his first year at Cambridge. For the most part, Hawking had kept these symptoms to himself. But when his father took notice of the condition, he took Hawking to see a doctor. For the next two weeks, the 21-year-old college student made his home at a medical clinic, where he underwent a series of tests.

"They took a muscle sample from my arm, stuck electrodes into me, and injected some radio-opaque fluid into my spine, and watched it going up and down with X-rays, as they tilted the bed," he once said. "After all that, they didn't tell me what I had, except that it was not multiple sclerosis, and that I was an atypical case."
Eventually, however, doctors did inform the Hawkings about what was ailing their son: He was in the early stages of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease). In a very simple sense, the nerves that controlled his muscles were shutting down. Doctors gave him two and a half years to live.

It was devastating news for Hawking and his family. A few events, however, prevented him from becoming completely despondent. The first of these came while Hawking was still in the hospital. There, he shared a room with a boy suffering from leukemia. Relative to what his roommate was going through, Hawking later reflected, his situation seemed more tolerable. Not long after he was released from the hospital, Hawking had a dream that he was going to be executed. He said this dream made him realize that there were still things to do with his life.

But the most significant change in his life was the fact that he was in love. At a New Year's party in 1963, shortly before he had been diagnosed with ALS, Hawking met a young languages undergraduate named Jane Wilde. They were married in 1965.

In a sense, Hawking's disease helped him become the noted scientist he is today. Before the diagnosis, Hawking hadn't always focused on his studies. "Before my condition was diagnosed, I had been very bored with life," he said. "There had not seemed to be anything worth doing." With the sudden realization that he might not even live long enough to earn his PhD, Hawking poured himself into his work and research.

Research on Black Holes

Groundbreaking findings from another young cosmologist, Roger Penrose, about the fate of stars and the creation of black holes tapped into Hawking's own fascination with how the universe began. This set him on a career course that reshaped the way the world thinks about black holes and the universe.

While physical control over his body diminished (he'd be forced to use a wheelchair by 1969), the effects of his disease started to slow down. In 1968, a year after the birth of his son Robert, Hawking became a member of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge.

The next few years were a fruitful time for Hawking. A daughter, Lucy, was born to Stephen and Jane in 1969, while Hawking continued with his research. (A third child, Timothy, arrived 10 years later.) He then published his first book, the highly technical The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time (1973), with G.F.R. Ellis. He also teamed up with Penrose to expand upon his friend's earlier work.

In 1974, Hawking's research turned him into a celebrity within the scientific world when he showed that black holes aren't the information vacuums that scientists had thought they were. In simple terms, Hawking demonstrated that matter, in the form of radiation, can escape the gravitational force of a collapsed star. Hawking radiation was born.

The announcement sent shock waves of excitement through the scientific world, and put Hawking on a path that's been marked by awards, notoriety and distinguished titles. He was named a fellow of the Royal Society at the age of 32, and later earned the prestigious Albert Einstein Award, among other honors.

Teaching stints followed, too. One was at Caltech in Pasadena, California, where Hawking served as visiting professor, making subsequent visits over the years. Another was at Gonville and Caius College in Cambridge. In 1979, Hawking found himself back at Cambridge University, where he was named to one of teaching's most renowned posts, dating back to 1663: the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.

'A Brief History of Time'

Hawking's ever-expanding career was accompanied, however, by his ever-worsening physical state. By the mid-1970s, the Hawking family had taken in one of Hawking's graduate students to help manage his care and work. He could still feed himself and get out of bed, but virtually everything else required assistance. In addition, his speech had become increasingly slurred, so that only those who knew him well could understand him. In 1985 he lost his voice for good following a tracheotomy. The resulting situation required 24-hour nursing care for the acclaimed physicist.

It also put in peril Hawking's ability to do his work. The predicament caught the attention of a California computer programmer, who had developed a speaking program that could be directed by head or eye movement. The invention allowed Hawking to select words on a computer screen that were then passed through a speech synthesizer. At the time of its introduction, Hawking, who still had use of his fingers, selected his words with a handheld clicker. Today, with virtually all control of his body gone, Hawking directs the program through a cheek muscle attached to a sensor.

Through the program, and the help of assistants, Stephen Hawking has continued to write at a prolific rate. His work has included numerous scientific papers, of course, but also information for the non-scientific community.

In 1988 Hawking, a recipient of the Commander of the Order of the British Empire, catapulted to international prominence with the publication of A Brief History of Time. The short, informative book became an account of cosmology for the masses. The work was an instant success, spending more than four years atop the London Sunday Times' best-seller list. Since its publication, it has sold millions of copies worldwide and been translated into more than 40 languages. But it also wasn't as easy to understand as some had hoped. So in 2001, Hawking followed up his book with The Universe in a Nutshell, which offered a more illustrated guide to cosmology's big theories. Four years later, he authored the even more accessible A Briefer History of Time.

Together the books, along with Hawking's own research and papers, articulate the physicist's personal search for science's Holy Grail: a single unifying theory that can combine cosmology (the study of the big) with quantum mechanics (the study of the small) to explain how the universe began. It's this kind of ambitious thinking that has allowed Hawking, who claims he can think in 11 dimensions, to lay out some big possibilities for humankind. He's convinced that time travel is possible, and that humans may indeed colonize other planets in the future.

Space Travel and Further Fame

Hawking's quest for big answers to big questions includes his own personal desire to travel into space. In 2007, at the age of 65, Hawking made an important step toward space travel. While visiting the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, he was given the opportunity to experience an environment without gravity. Over the course of two hours over the Atlantic, Hawking, a passenger on a modified Boeing 727, was freed from his wheelchair to experience bursts of weightlessness. Pictures of the freely floating physicist splashed across newspapers around the globe.

"The zero-G part was wonderful, and the high-G part was no problem. I could have gone on and on. Space, here I come!" he said.

If there is such a thing as a rock-star scientist, Stephen Hawking embodies it. His forays into popular culture have included guest appearances on The Simpsons, Star Trek: The Next Generation, a comedy spoof with comedian Jim Carrey on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, and even a recorded voice-over on the Pink Floyd song "Keep Talking." In 1992, Oscar-winning filmmaker Errol Morris released a documentary about Hawking's life, aptly titled A Brief History of Time.

Of course, as it is with any celebrity, fame has brought with it an interest in Hawking's personal life. And there have been some news-making events. In 1990, Hawking left his wife, Jane, for one of his nurses, Elaine Mason. The two were married in 1995, and the marriage put a strain on Hawking's relationship with his own children, who claimed Elaine closed off their father from them. In 2003, nurses looking after Hawking reported their suspicions to police that Elaine was physically abusing her husband. Hawking denied the allegations, and the police investigation was called off.

In 2006, however, Hawking and Elaine filed for divorce. In the years since, the physicist has apparently grown closer with his family. He's reconciled with Jane, who has remarried, and published a 2007 science book for children, George's Secret Key to the Universe, with his daughter, Lucy.

Hawking's health, of course, remains a constant concern—a worry that was heightened in 2009 when he failed to appear at a conference in Arizona because of a chest infection. In April, Hawking, who had already announced he was retiring after 30 years from the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, was rushed to the hospital for being what university officials described as "gravely ill." It was later announced that he was expected to make a full recovery.

Hawking is scheduled to fly to the edge of space as one of Sir Richard Branson's pioneer space tourists. He said in a 2007 statement, "Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers. I think the human race has no future if it doesn't go into space. I therefore want to encourage public interest in space."

In September 2010, Hawking spoke against the idea that God could have created the universe in his book The Grand Design. Hawking previously argued that belief in a creator could be compatible with modern scientific theories. His new work, however, concluded that the Big Bang was the inevitable consequence of the laws of physics and nothing more. "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing," Hawking said. "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."

The Grand Design was Hawking's first major publication in almost a decade. Within his new work, Hawking set out to challenge Sir Isaac Newton's belief that the universe had to have been designed by God, simply because it could not have been born from chaos. "It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going," Hawking said.

Hawking made news in 2012 for two very different projects. It was revealed that he had participated in a 2011 trial of a new headband-styled device called the iBrain. The device is designed to "read" the wearer's thoughts by picking up "waves of electrical brain signals," which are then interpreted by a special algorithm, according to an article in The New York Times. This device could be a revolutionary aid to Hawking and others with ALS.

TV and Film

Also around this time, Hawking showed off his humorous side on American television. He made a guest appearance on The Big Bang Theory, a popular comedy about a group of young, geeky scientists. Playing himself, Hawking brings the theoretical physicist Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) back to Earth after finding an error in his work. Hawking earned kudos for this lighthearted effort.

In 2014, Hawking, among other top scientists, spoke out about the possible dangers of artificial intelligence, or AI, calling for more research to be done on all of possible ramifications of AI. Their comments were inspired by the Johnny Depp film Transcendence, which features clash between humanity and technology. "Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history," the scientists wrote. "Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks." The group warned of a time when this technology would be "outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand."

In November of the same year, a film about the life of Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde was released. The Theory of Everything stars Eddie Redmayne as Hawking and encompasses his early life and school days, his courtship and marriage to Wilde, the progression of his crippling disease and his scientific triumphs.

In May 2016, Hawking hosts and narrates Genius, a six-part television series which enlists volunteers to tackle scientific questions that have been asked throughout history. In a statement regarding his new series, Hawking said Genius is “a project that furthers my lifelong aim to bring science to the public. It’s a fun show that tries to find out if ordinary people are smart enough to think like the greatest minds who ever lived. Being an optimist, I think they will.”

Alien Life and New Theories

Hawking was back in the headlines in the summer of 2015. In July, he held a news conference in London to announce the launch of a project called Breakthrough Listen. Funded by Russian entrepreneur Yuri Milner, Breakthrough Listen was created to devote more resources to the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

The following month, Hawking appeared at a conference in Sweden to discuss new theories about black holes and the vexing "information paradox." Addressing the issue of what becomes of an object that enters a black hole, Hawking proposed that information about the physical state of the object is stored in 2D form within an outer boundary known as the "event horizon." Noting that black holes "are not the eternal prisons they were once thought," he left open the possibility that the information could be released into another universe.